Source: BBC Radio 4 "The Archers" Archers: 2013-06-04 Tuesday archers_20130604-1920a.mp3
You are listening to Tuesday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.
Poor Pip. She couldn't face any lunch. / I can't say I felt that hungry myself. / Oh dear. It's infectious, isn't it? / has she any idea at all / when / assignment results / any time now, she says / since about / 7 o'clock this morning / really knows any more. / The problem is, it's distracting / revising for her exam tomorrow. / I know. / Ah well, there's nothing more we can do, is there? / better / get on with the baling. / tell you who else's pretty ... up at the moment. / Yeah? Who's that? / Lilian / Really? / this morning. She was really jumpy. / stop to chat / grunted at me. / talking about me? / No. You were jumpy but / not / grunting / not yet anyway / still no news? / I'm afraid not. / just had to get our of the house for a minute. / no point / staring / is there? / for the moment / your revision / I am trying, honestly. / Of course you are. / It just feels awful, knowing that at any moment, I could open an email that ... change my whole life. My hands shake every time I / log on / let me know as soon as you hear anything, won't you? / be baling / most of the afternoon / OK. .... Oh, I just keep / these waves of panic coming over me. / I know / terrible waiting / be my own fault, won't it, if I fail and have to retake the whole year, then of course / work / all my friends / gone / I think / in order, don't you?
Adam. How is it going? / pickers seem to be full of enthusiasm. / Good. / But then it is their first week. / it's a good start anyway. / I'm not complaining. They seem a great bunch. / How are things with you? / Oh fine. / check / coming along / seems to be coming through well. I reckon, by the / as well / that's reassuring anyway / So, by then, you should have, what, / five hundred cows? / Ah yeah, that's the plan. / Chritmas / a thousand. / definitely going to be / systems / silage front / sounds like / on course / I'll tell you what, Rob. It's all very different from the way / this time last year. / Yeah, I can imagine. / I still find it difficult / cattle numbers to be honest. / moment / really on the way. / Good. / Do you ever have any problems hiring your pickers? / Well, it's pretty plain sailing as a rule. / No visa issues? / I mostly hire / Polish / Hungarian students / you are lucky / Why? Got a problem? / I call it a challenge rather than a problem. / Sometimes hard to tell the difference. / just a slight glitch with staffing the dairy. / any idea / how to solve it? / on track now. / help / great. / fancy a quick drink at The Ball tonight? / sure / Excellent. / have to be / Ian / doing / one of / specials / for dinner / see about, what, 6:30 then? / Yeah. I look forward to it.
Dad, dad, guess what. / Tell me. / I've passed my retakes, both assignments. / Oh, Pip, that's wonderful. / Isn't it? / so pleased for you. / Thank you, dad. / I couldn't believe it / real / even worse when / ever been so scared / I was getting worried / I didn't hear / I wanted to give you the news myself. .... It's such a relief / you are telling me. I'm not sure my baling has been up to the mark for the last hour or so. / So I see / how do you mean? / managed to miss a big chunk in the corner there. / So I have / See? You've had us both going. / Oh, I know I'm sorry. Honestly my hands've only just stopped shaking / I think it might be time / small celebration. In view of / none of us / more than a piece of toast today, I've brought / some / gran's cupcakes / great idea / some lemonade in the bag to wash them down. There you go, Pip, you first. / thanks mom. That's brilliant / David / look amazing / didn't realize how angry I was. / I know. / Oh, and, guess what. My tutor just phoned me. / To say what? / that the assignments / retook / very high standard / Hey, that's nice / I know / You see? You can do it when you put your mind into it, can't you? / Yeah. / and / still / pass your exams, of course. / I know / that's great. Although, actually, I was going to tell you, Spencer rang. He's found a car that he thinks might be OK. / It's really cheap, he says, just one female owner, so it should be / pretty good / That sounds promising. / Yeah, I know.
Yeah, OK, Gary, thanks for getting back to me. Bye bye. / Sorry, I had to take that. / Yeah, no problem. / catching up to do. / guy you've been waiting to hear from? / That's right. / He runs an agency, did you say? / he does, yeah. He's usually great at giving / come out with much? / he just told me what I already knew, to be honest / Which is .... / that it's getting increasingly difficult / bringing workers / outside the EU. / But it has always been a problem / not really / used to be a steady stream / Phillipines / Middle East, Saudi mainly / really like working here / send money / family / ideal / but then .... / all the rules changed / now / got to prove / no-EU citizens / have the same skills or / train up / Brian / working / a ... esteem / just a bit / Well, all I can say is, after long years of experience, I've learned that Brian's bark is definitely worse than his bite. / Ah no, I mean / he has been great / but he does like to hear good news / well, on most fronts / practice / which / but have you told Brian? / I haven't had a chance yet. / make a headline / when you do / good thinking. / The thing is, I know / coming on the hiring front. I / sorted out / as much as he does. / I can see that / I really want to recruit staff directly, but it's / time prssure. / Yeah, of course / To be honest, I knew it would be difficult, but I didn't realize / quite this tough. / Oh, dear / you can see now why I was envying / stroberry pickers. / Yeah, yeah / all seems to / like clockwork most of the time. You'd just have to / make sure they are settling OK. / you are good at that / enjoy it. / mom's great / be struggling / managed to learn any Polish? / afraid not. Just / head round it / couple of words, I guess. / that's pretty essential / Ian had a go last year / a few lecipes / occasionally / got quite adventurous. / Right. / guess, living in the States and Canada, you didn't have any language problems / Oh I wouldn't say that.
It's great to be out, having a breath of air in a nice stroll / It's been a long day, isn't it? / certainly has. I think / wasn't it? / Well, / most of / get out / Yeah. / You know what? It's gonna be strange when the cows are dried off and the milking / stop / for a while, isn't it? / Don't tell me you're gonna miss your 5am start / suppose / maybe. It's in my DNA. / You'd be back / before you know it / I know, and complaining. / Yeah. Never satisfied, are we? / I've been / my talk / for Open Farm sunday, explaining why we've moved to block calving. / I'm sure / people / lots of questions / I hope so, after all the work / put in / be great. I'd better polish up my / tractor-and-trailor tours / left behind. / Pat and Tony's position, having to say goodbye to the herd for good. / I don't think I could have coped with that. / Well, you know, might be / new start that they need. / Still. / Yeah, I know. It's a tough one. / so many hard choices to be made these days. / Yeah. .... well, it's great / kids are / full of enthusiasm / at the moment, anyway. / I know. .... Ben / displays / that's good / getting / new photos / own stamp on them. / You remember last year, Pip being a bit / Josh decided to give / makeover / No / Now it's Ben / getting creative. He seems to / calls "unusual angles" / as long as he doesn't get too creative / end up / modern art gallery / No chance, otherwise / trying to get / to pose / milking / at one point / that was a lost cause / It was, yeah, .... ended up with this strange blur in the foreground. / think Josh is getting even more excited than Ben / he's gonna help me mark out the farm ... tomorrow / for his own display / hen business. He was driving Pip mad. / he doesn't miss a trick, does he? / he doesn't / We'll have to watch out / Open Farm Sunday / turn into the Josh Archer show.
Shame that Jess couldn't see your moment of triumph at the single wicket. / Yeah, well. Cricket's not her thing, to be honest. / I still can't believe all that rubbish you spouted beforehand / so rusty / didn't stand a chance, etc, etc / total / No, no, no, I did really think I lost my touch / anyway / definitely / for my money / I think he is a great guy / Yes / I saw him yesterday / taking / small baler / hay-making / that's got a history. / Still does the job / that's what he said. / Anyway, .... better push off. / Yeah. / So, uh, what / plan / rest of the evening / Ah, I reckon / may be on the menu / you / dinner soon? / great. Yeah. / really like that. I heard about Ian's cooking. / something then. / Did you say / Open Farm / at Brookfield / right / Right. / Why? / Just had an idea, that's all.